Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

As the title indicates, this will be a more than usually confused post.
The stimulus was the now famous grief over elementary fairness which errupted when “[Judge] Scott Fairgrieve of Nassau County District Court, wrote that ‘swearing to false statements reflects poorly on the profession [of law] as a whole” and fined lawyer Steven J Baum $20,000 for false statements in support of a foreclosure. Baum also suffered a Schack attack when Judge Arthur M. Schack referred to one filing as “incredible, outrageous, ludicrous and disingenuous.”

Baum wrote “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”

In Toto not a good time to be a sleazy lawyer in New York (when was the last time that was true?).

The part which stunned me was

Anne Reynolds Copps, the chairwoman of the real property law section of the New York State bar, said, “We had a lot of concerns, because it seemed to paint attorneys as being the problem.” Lawyers feared they would be responsible for a bank’s mistakes. “They are relying on a client, or the client’s employees, to provide the information on which they are basing the documents,” she said.

So her view is that lawyers do not have the responsibility to check the claims of fact they make to judges, to look at the evidence. So what exactly do they do? Is the claim that their job is to look good in a suit and speak proper English with a confident tone?

Lawyers have discovered that they can make a whole lot more money by not doing their jobs and claiming they have done their jobs. Big surprise. Now the idea that they might have to give up that income, because they don’t have time to do what they have been claiming they have been doing is shocking.

I think that this is a very general phenomenon.

I don’t know how much money Baum made, but it is clear that one lawyer with a huge income must have been mainly taking money for doing what he didn’t bother to do

“David J. Stern, a lawyer whose Florida firm has been part of an estimated 20 percent of the foreclosure actions in the state, has been accused of filing sloppy and even fraudulent mortgage paperwork.” One firm [working on] 20% of the foreclosures, how many partners? How many associates with law degrees? How many robo signers?

Bankers and lawyers used to earn good money for, among other things, due diligence, keeping records, keeping proof if the records were contested, and complying with burdensome laws and regulations.

Relatively recently, they have earned immense incomes claiming they had done those things without bothering to do them. I guess that the fee charged by the lawyers who didn’t glance at the evidence is the same as the fees charged by lawyers who check if something is true before telling it to a judge. Clearly, one can make a lot of money claiming to have done something difficult and time consuming without bothering to do it.

Banks charge fees for handling transactions, but clearly stopped bothering to, say, handle transfer of a mortgage in a way that the entity which paid them could foreclose when the time came.

Banks charge to exchange currencies. If they are trading pieces of paper for pieces of paper, then they have to hold money to do that and they have to keep people from stealing it. If I am taking money out of an ATM in a country with a different currency from my bank account, I am forcing some computer somewhere to multiply two numbers. Ouch. But they charge as if they were doing it with pen and paper (or maybe an abacus).

I’d guess that most of the huge profits of the financial services sector are based on separating gamblers from their money, but a large part come from charging for services not rendered and another large part come from charging a lot for services which cost very little to provide now that they have computers.

The terror at the idea that judges won’t accept “because I say so” as proof shows how much the system depends on no one checking what was actually done in exchange for the huge flow of fees.