Beauty-Scoring Evolution

Despite winning the big prize, evolution scores low on the scale at the Miss USA pageant:

Only Miss Massachusetts and [newly crowned Miss USA, Alyssa] Campanella stood up for Darwin.

Score one for Charles Darwin. Campanella, 21, of Los Angeles, who calls herself “a huge science geek,” says evolution should be taught in public schools.

The good news is that only three contestants were “flat out opposed”:

Miss Kentucky, home state of the Creation Museum; Miss Alaska who assures us “each of us was individually created by God for a purpose;” and Miss Alabama who doesn’t believe in evolution.

Which leaves 45 or so to be confused.

Go read the whole thing. Then make the decision: either (a) emigrate to a country that educates its beauty contestants or (b) ignore them entirely for the sake of your sanity.

(h/t Andrew Verdon—far left of the bottom picture—or available in video here)